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player card showing games that were deleted

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 10:48 am
by rrlucero
Hello i am having an issue with some of my players. I had imported season stats from another app. i had to do it a couple of times. Because i did not realize the some of my players were getting mapped to others. there stats were wrong. I finely got that fixed. i delete the bad games and then imported the stats correctly. But when i went to go look at a players stats it is showing 3 games with the same info in the players card. Also the imported season stats were for the fall of 2013 but it show up as todays date. I tried to set the game info with last years date for start and end dates. But that only corrects the where the game shows up in the game manger screen. Please let me know what info you might need from me. I am using the android app. thank you

Re: player card showing games that were deleted

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 7:51 pm
by FTMSupport
If you can do an Options -> Export from within iScore, and email your customer ID and the specific player/games that you are seeing an issue with to, we can take a look at your data to see what is going on.