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Bug in apple v3.31. New games for existing teams ...

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 4:42 am
by OhioTex
For community users of apple version, iPhone/iTouch/iPad

heads up, a bug has been found in the latest update 3.31 released yesterday 9/20

an error occurs when creating new games with existing teams. the roster is missing.

FTM has sent in an emergency fix to apple, and posted in the app store a notice of the issue and pending apple review for version 3.25.

For brand new users, This does not effect new games with new teams.
but for existing users you may want to wait to update till 3.35 is approved or make note of the following workaround.

In the past apple has turned around emergency updates in as fast as a day or two.. I am fully expecting all to be fine by my weekend games...

The issue
In version 3.31, FTM introduced a new feature in team manager, roster management called inactive/active player. Unfortuneatly, for existing teams the program apparently set internal assignment for existing rosters to inactive, So when you create a new game in game manager and pick existing teams, when you later hit play it thinks your Roater is new/empty and prompts you to create a quick roster (another new feature in v3.31). (The easiest way out of this screen is to completely exit the app using the home button on the iPhone/iPod. )

The fix - interim workaround
before creating a game with an existing team, go into team manager > select existing team > select roster and move an active player to inactive and then back to active, (resets internal active/ inactive flags). Now when you create a new game with the team -- all will be ok/ normal.