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Changing the lineup after play has started

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 9:00 pm
by caronna
I started a new game and during the first pass through the lineup I realized that I had one player in the wrong spot. I hit the Lineup button and fixed his position, but when I went back to the game his position was still incorrect. I hit the lineup button again to make sure it saved, and he was still in the correct spot in the lineup screen, but when I went back it didn't update.

Since I was too far into the lineup, I ended up not even scoring the game. That was pretty frustrating.

Is there an issue with making a lineup change during the game?

iScore v1.60.42

Re: Changing the lineup after play has started

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 9:32 pm
by FTMSupport
Changing the lineup should be OK, but you should only do it to change the order of batters. Changing positions should be done using the substitution methods. Have you watched the YouTube videos that cover scoring? The link to them is:

Part 2 specifically covers substitutions. If you have watched these and are still having trouble with the substitutions, please let us know.

Re: Changing the lineup after play has started

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 10:47 am
by caronna
I have watched the videos. I was not trying to perform a substitution. I merely had the lineup incorrect and was trying to only change the batting order.

The player I had in the #6 slot should have been in the #12 spot in the batting lineup. I didn't realize the order was incorrect until I noticed that the player coming to bat wasn't the player that iScore indicated. At that point I hit the Lineup button and using the drad-and-drop moved him down to the correct lineup spot, then went back to the game and it didn't adjust. I even attempted to use the Undo to go back hoping it would re-read the lineup after I processed the previous batter again, but it didn't. The lineup was still wrong.

At this point I just had to abandon the game.

Re: Changing the lineup after play has started

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 11:38 am
by FTMSupport
Hmm... we will look into this to make sure it is fixed for an upcoming release. You should be able to readjust batting order from the lineup screen in a situation like this. All it should do is rearrange the batters in that case.

We will do some testing to see what may have gone wrong.

Thank you.

Re: Changing the lineup after play has started

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 11:57 am
by scottr
I had the same issue as well..

The other team forgot to add a player to the lineup.

He was to bat 8th and was currently on deck.

I went to adjust the line up and insert him in the 8th spot but the original batter still showed up as on deck in the 8th spot.

The lineup did not reflect the correct order until the next time through the order.

Re: Changing the lineup after play has started

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 1:15 pm
by FTMSupport
If that ever happens, you can try exiting the application and going back in and it may update itself. Some "state" information is kept in memory on the phone, and if you change that underlying "state", it may not be refelected immediately. Exiting the app and re-entering refreshes the state of the entire game.

We actually have found a couple issues with lineup changes that we are going to address in the 1.70 release that should make it much more bullet proof.

Re: Changing the lineup after play has started

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 6:49 am
by mrolearyseattle
I have had that issue as well, however, I later figured out that while I had changed the player in the order, I had forgotten to change the batting status from no to yes. You might check that to see if it was the problem.