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New IPad lost all data (responded, awaiting user reply back)

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 9:55 pm
by phyreman1914
My iPad broke, but before I backed up all information, was able to see my data on the website when logged in. Download iscore app tried to imput data no luck. Now it say I have no device registered and all of my data appears to be gone. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Re: New IPad lost all data

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 10:14 pm
by OhioTex
If you know your prior device id and password, you can easily retrive your last database export for use on your new device iscore install.

When you download the app new , you get a new device id. (Found under Option > Admin).

The device id and passwords from
Your old device and new device installs are the key to recovering your data.

1) activate new device admin server
On your new device activate your admin web site " option > admin > set password "

2) Register old device to your email
(if not done before) .
use your old device id and password to log into Go to account tab and register the old device id to your email address.

3) register new install to your email
Use new device id and password, to log onto and under account tab, register new device to same Email address

4) copy data...
Now With both devices registered to same email address ... you can now use the 'manage data' button on the account page on to copy the old device database to new device database

5) lastly, retrive data
do an "option > import" on new device to retrive data. New device will now have copy of your last export from old device database

If you need more detail info.. just ask

Re: New IPad lost all data

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 5:29 am
by phyreman1914
I do not have the old password. i do have the old device ID. I didn't realize i had to set that feature at the time. I was mainly just keeping the info on the I PAD but i had recently started to export info to the server.
So i have set up the new device and password. is there away to reset the old device password. I had never set it up. Thanks Marv

Re: New IPad lost all data

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 5:37 am
by OhioTex

Having the old device ID will be your savior. But will take emailing

Explain to them the situation and
provide them a link to this thread for background.

They will need the device id for both old and new device. And they will provide you further instruction.

Re: New IPad lost all data

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 6:01 am
by phyreman1914
Thank you! that is good to hear. i have now setup my password at the admin site lol..... that wont happen again. I appreciate the help. Marv

Re: New IPad lost all data

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 6:07 am
by OhioTex
are you saying you now have :
  • 1) New Device ID and Password
    2) Registered new device id to email address on admin web site (

    3) Old Device and Password
    4) registered old device id to email address admin web site (
If you have all four of above .. you can do the recovery "Self Service" without and email to support.
( Let me know and i can send you next step instructions) . otherwise, must involve for support to 'link the two device databases'

PS> the developers are working on improving the ID and password process with future generations of the program/app