"Logging In" iOS v 5.102

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Re: "Logging In"

Post by OhioTex » Tue Jan 30, 2018 10:18 am

YEAH, Glad # 2 worked. (ie going to identity.siplay.com on a computer and Registering with your normal email there)
Joe Siegler wrote:
Tue Jan 30, 2018 8:43 am

1) The problem is that when I try to register, I get told my email exists already. When I try to recover the password, the system says the email doesn't exist. I'm stuck there.

When trying above, , were you using the BLUE Icon APP (iscore central viewer) or the normal GREEN Icon APP (iscore baseball).
I really thought downloading the BLUE app (iscore central) and registering there would work. for my future reference and help for others, Please confirm if you tried on the BLUE icon app ((iscore central) and it failed or just the GREEN icon app (iscore baseball). (I understand that green app failed, and a bug the developers need to fix in future update)
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Joe Siegler
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Re: "Logging In" iOS v 5.102

Post by Joe Siegler » Tue Jan 30, 2018 12:30 pm

That was detailed in my original post. I never tried with another app. I just used the main scoring app (Green I think?)
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Re: "Logging In" iOS v 5.102

Post by OhioTex » Tue Jan 30, 2018 10:35 pm

Thanks for replying. For those reading along

In conclusion, the baseball scorekeeping app (green app icon) has a login bug for developers to fix. For this user it recognized his email address as previously used but the 'forgot' password reset (and magic link) did not work without going to siplay.com website to reset password (https://identity.siplay.com/Account/Login ) . To get around it in the short term you can use the internet SiPlay password reset or the iscore central viewer app (blue icon) to reset the login email and password
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