Positions changes

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Positions changes

Post by mrolearyseattle » Thu Jun 11, 2009 8:00 am

I am having trouble with position changes showing correctly on the scoresheet. I had a game last night where several players changed positions one or more times during the game. To make the change, I tapped the position bubble on the scoring screen. This brings up the position screen. I tap the position the player is now playing, say catcher #10 switches to 1B. I tap 1B in the position choices. This puts a ? for the player who had been playing 1B. I then tap the new position for that player unless he is moving to EH, in which case I leave the ? for that player's position. After the game, I look at the scoresheet and it appears players are moving up and down the lineup. I don't believe this is a programming problem. I think I must be doing something wrong in making the position changes. Perhaps someone knows the right way to do this. I also think it is connected with the DH option, which is the only option I have for an EH when we bat 10.
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Re: Positions changes

Post by FTMSupport » Thu Jun 11, 2009 9:47 am

We have never heard of the lineup not showing correctly when doing subsitutions with this method. The only time we have heard of lineup issues on the scoresheet is when people try and use the Lineup screens to do their substitutions.

If you can export your database to us with a short description of the game and issue you are seeing, we can take a look at your database.

To export, go to the Options menu, click Export. When you get a Success message, email us at support@fasterthanmonkeys.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false with your customer ID (bottom left of Options menu), and we will take a look at your data to see what may be causing the issue.

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Re: Positions changes

Post by sportsdoc » Fri Jun 12, 2009 6:05 am

Could this type of problem be made much easier to deal with if you had a way of simply dragging one player to another position and them replacing any new players entering the game at that time?

Pitcher and 1B simple change positions. Touch the pitcher's position on the screen and drag it to 1B. 1B would automatically fill in the hole at P.

2B is replaced by a sub. Touch 2B and drag him off of the field. Sub window pops up. Touch sub and this automatically fills in at 2B.

DH enters the game to play a position. Have the DH in a box off of the field and drag him/her to the position played.

3B is replaced by a sub in the manner listed above. However, he was being DHed for. This could trigger a question box asking if the DH was still hitting for this player or if the DH was now out of the game.

All stats and scorebook, of course, are triggered by the changes made. I can see drop and drag in this setting being the best way to go.

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Re: Positions changes

Post by FTMSupport » Fri Jun 12, 2009 8:27 am

I think a problem that could occur with the drag and drop approach is that accidents could be made. You accidentally swipe the screen and suddenly the first baseman is no longer in position. Things like that.

We will continue working on ways to improve input throughout the system, but we think the ability to make changes post game will help with cases like this where you realize a mistake has been made and it needs to be fixed.

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