Great app - a few small thoughts

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Great app - a few small thoughts

Post by baravelli » Sun May 03, 2009 2:31 pm

Hello, I just bought your app and used it to score a game today, and was overall thrilled with the experience. Thanks so much!
Since I see that you're so responsive to user suggestions here, I thought I'd chime in with just a couple of small thoughts I've had about small improvement possibilities.
1 - I love the way a batter's past at-bats show as a spray chart when he comes up later in the game, but: It seems to me that lines which indicate a ball hit into a fielder's choice, allowing the batter to reach, should be in red to show that an out was made, rather than in green, which makes it look like the batter has more hits than he does; this would seem more in keeping with the fact that a fielder's choice counts as an out in the batter's stats, which is correctly reflected in your app.
2 - Also about the past at-bats spray chart, but this one is more of a personal preference which I wonder if other people think is a good idea. Currently, each line has a number at the spot the ball went to that indicates which of the batter's at-bats it represents. Might it be more useful if that number was the number of the inning in which the play occurred instead? That would provide additional information about when in the game the batter has come up, and would still show the relative chronology of his hits. The only problem with this I could see would be in cases when the team bats around and a batter comes up twice in an inning, but that might be solved with an additional character: like 5a and 5b, or 5-1 and 5-2, to show a batter's two at-bats in the fifth inning.
3 - In the pitching stats, when a pitcher pitches a fractional number of innings, that currently shows up as .33 and .67 of an inning, which seems unwieldy to me. Most box scores I see notate that either with actual fractions - 1/3 and 2/3 - or with .1 and .2 to show thirds of an inning; I think either would be preferable.
4 - In my game, a runner stole second and then advanced to third on an errant throw by the catcher. I think I scored this correctly by first indicating a stolen second base and then marking an E2 to send the runner to third, but the error didn't show up in the game stats or in the line score. I'm not sure if I did something wrong, or if there's a bug relating to this.
Thanks very very much for making such a satisfying app, and for taking the time to read my comments!
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Re: Great app - a few small thoughts

Post by jdonato » Sun May 03, 2009 2:45 pm

Hi baravelli

Some thoughts about your thoughts ;)

1- Agree 100% with you on this. I already got confused once ("hey, how it is green if this player is 0 for 3?").
2- Wow, this is very interesting and useful. I don't know if the bat-around situation could be elegantly solved, but if it can, FTM are the guys to do it.
3- In this case, I don't have much trouble with the way is now, but I am okay any way it ends up.
4- This is actually a bug that is going to be corrected in a release coming soon (hopefully next). The app is not scoring runner related errors. The developers are aware of this situation (I had that same problem and ask them) and have promised to correct it. Once the new release with the fix comes out, you don't need to score the games again.

Happy scoring!
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Re: Great app - a few small thoughts

Post by sportsdoc » Mon May 04, 2009 7:59 am

Along the same line... This may be trivial to most, but when I keep score on paper, I differentiate a ground ball, fly ball and line drive by different lines (dashed, curved, and bold respectively). This would be something that would help me see what happened in the past ABs without going to the scorecard.

BTW, is there any reason to differentiate them if they do not show up on the scorecard as F8 (instead of just '8'), L4 (instead of just '4') or 3U (instead of just '3' for a ground ball)?

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Re: Great app - a few small thoughts

Post by FTMSupport » Mon May 04, 2009 8:10 am

Hi sportsdoc -

Different lines is a great suggestion for different hit types. When we add the capability to say what kind of hit it was for base hits, this will be a great feature as well.

We are adding it to the list.

Thank you.
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