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Extra Hitter (EH) batters (future.feature.request)

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 4:42 am
by CongScorekeeper
Need enhancement to have several EH or DH designations in my batting order. My free-hitting baseball and softball leagues have 10 batters with one DH, but we also allow some players to only play defense, so I need 3 or 4 Extra Hitters (EH) in my batting order. The iScore app will not allow me to designate any EH, nor does it set more than one DH in my order when I fill in their positions.

Re: Extra Hitter (EH) batters

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 5:25 am
by OhioTex
Thanks for taking the time to register on the forum and contribute to the iscore community.

the developers monitor this forum regularly and i expect they will pick up this suggestion and add it to their list for future consideration. I also know this has been suggested before, but the extra "customer vote" helps the developers .

For my part, I would strongly echo +1 for the idea, as it adds to the programs visual authenticity, I would really like to see an EH option in the pop up menu. The good news however, is from a scoring and stat program, the program already handle as many extra batters as you need.

For Fans viewing on an scorecast it would be appropriate, and more authentic, to see EH next to each player name who is in batting order and who is not designated a defensive position (nor a DH ) . you are correct as it stands currently, it would just be blank for a extra batter, and you can only have 1 DH notation in the line up batting order. (additionally, if a Sub is made for a DH currently, the sub does not show DH in iscorecast or device line up, just a blank, this should retain the DH)

the good news, is the program on both android and iOS platforms, can already handle as many extra players batting as you want and the program will maintain stats and annotate scorecard, the only thing the program does not do is 'display' the EH next to their name in a batting order displays on device, or scorecast.

again, I want to second this addition for game lineup authenticity (EH and DH) for scorebooks, box scores and fans watching on scorecasts.