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League Manager - Sorting Option (future.feature.request)

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 7:46 am
by Tacho47
At the moment, all entries in league manager are sorted by alpha-numerical oder. I used to name them "year xxxx" (e.g. "2017 BBBL2". So, the actual year always appears at the dead end of the list in league manager, which in fact gets more and more unpleasant from year to year.

Would it be possible to add a sorting option ascending/descending in league manager?

Re: League Manager - Sorting Option

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 8:03 am
by OhioTex
@ support - future enhancement request

@ tacho47 - this is how the league manger has sorted since version 1. different sort methods have been suggested before, as always the more suggestions the better for developers to assess user wants and interests.

TIP: long ago, As a workaround, i started using manual methods to force sort. Examples.. insert a space in front of some league names, some a double space, some an asterisk , others get a period. All subtle ways to help trick the current sort logic so my most used leagues float to top. not perfect, but has worked well enough for me as a workaround. hope it helps you in the short run.

FYI ,so as to not be caught off guard, i often find, i have to exit the scorekeeper app and re launch to force league manager to update sort when i add new leagues.