Data Sharing ID/Passwords

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Data Sharing ID/Passwords

Post by rdwhahbor2 » Thu Apr 16, 2015 6:13 pm

First off, I like this application much better than that "Game" app on Apple devices and I'm fairly new to using this tool so if what I have to suggest here is already in the product, please let me know. But, I think it is totally wrong to do data sharing using the administrator ID/Password. This grants too much authority to another person for my site/data. Instead, I suggest we have the ability to create and use a share id/password that grants the person only the ability to pull data I open for sharing. Furthermore, along with this, it would be great to setup what data I would allow for sharing. For instance, I may only want to share roster information and not game information.

Also, I understand the need for unique ids. But for the IScoreCast, to give out my extremely difficult to remember site admin id to potential followers is not easy to remember. Rather, it would be nice to have the ability to use an alias name that I can set as an admin which is easy for me to remember and give out to followers.

And, the admin sites give me the ability to select a team color by entering the HTML hex value in a field. It would be great if I could select the color from a graph rather than having to know the specific hex value. It does provide for this in the app, but selecting on a small phone or small tablet is not easy to pick the specific color I want.

Last, this is minor, but would be great to have. I use this for softball. While you've got scoring options in there for softball (which is great), I do see a baseball pitcher silhouette on the pitch location section of the scoring screen. It would be nice to set that to a softball pitcher give the "total game experience".

You got a great product...and I hope you keep listening to your users for suggestions on continuous improvement. Please keep up the good work!
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Re: Data Sharing ID/Passwords

Post by FTMSupport » Thu Apr 16, 2015 7:56 pm

1. You can set a "data sharing" password from the Admin Website, and then not have to share your Admin password. Go to the Account tab, and in the Data Sharing section you will see you can set a data sharing password.

2. If you purchase the optional team website, then you can send users your user selected team name instead of the system generated customer ID for your iScorecasts.

3. As you noted, you can select colors from a color picker in the app. We will add your suggestion of color picking from the admin website to our enhancement list.

4. We have softball features throughout the product including the iScorecast showing softball when you have softball mode selected. The optional team websites also show silhouettes of softball players on the rosters when you use the softball URL. We will add your suggestion of displaying the softball silhouette in the scoring screen for pitch location, but it is likely going to be a very low priority item as you conceded as well.

Thank you for the feedback.
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Re: Data Sharing ID/Passwords

Post by City » Fri Apr 17, 2015 9:07 am

what does this "join an existing league option" mean? the 10 digit code? I am scoring a tournament with three different devices, wondering if this is something I could do.
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Re: Data Sharing ID/Passwords

Post by FTMSupport » Fri Apr 17, 2015 9:15 am

It is there for features we will be adding in the future. It does not doing anything useful right now.
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