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Access to statistics/info

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 3:10 pm
by mbcowan
I just finished scoring my son's little league season (won the championship as the 8th seed!), and I had several frustrations with the app that I am hoping folks on this board can resolve for me:

1. I can find no way to view season stats for our team on the iPad app. I have a team website and can see sortable stats there, but I think we should be able to see stats in the app itself, even when we are offline (I have wifi-only iPad). There are lots of instances when our coach asks me for stats at the field that I can't give him. Am I missing something?

2. I can find no way to view stats for the team we are about to face, either in the app or on the website. After we've faced a team for the 3rd or 4th time it would be nice to be able to see their stats against us, spray charts, speckle charts, etc. I know we can view each kid's player card individually but that is very tedious and has very limited info.

3. There are far too many places you have to go to get information from the games you've scored. For example:
>You can only get spray charts for your whole team from a PDF link at the top of the stats page on the webiste
>You can only get pitchers' speckle charts for individual games, from the scorecard PDF attached to the e-mail you generate from the game info screen. You can't see it in the app before the game starts or while you are scoring the game
>You can click on players player cards in the app and get stats, but not on the website. There's no way to get an individual players stats on the website.
>The play-by-play in the app is very detailed, but you can't print it. You can print the the play-by-play from the team website, but its far less detailed.
>I want to print our team's season stats for a team scrapbook and can't find any way to do it. Also can't find a way to print a player's individual season stats.

These are just a few examples. If I am wrong on any please let me know, but in general, it would be a huge improvement to the app to be able to see all the detailed stats and info for players, games and full seasons in an easy and consistent fashion on both the app and website.

Re: Access to statistics/info

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 3:49 pm
by FTMSupport
1. Go to Team Manager, select your team, and select Stats

2. Go to Team Manager, select the team you are facing, and select Stats

3. Individual player stats are viewable by going to the Stats tab on the Team Website, then clicking on a player name. From your iPad you can email the pitch by pitch data to yourself from the pitch by pitch screen, then print it. For team season stats, go to Team Manager, select your team, select Stats, and you can email it and print it. For a player's individual stats, go to Player Manager, select the player, select Player Card, and email that to yourself and you can print it.

Re: Access to statistics/info

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 4:35 pm
by mbcowan
1. Thanks, that works. And I found spray charts on the players pages in player manager, but where are speckle charts?
2. Ditto
3. Thanks for the workarounds, but do you see my point about how complicated it is? It would be nice if all this could be done from website too, especially so parents of other kids could print their kids' stats without me needing to email things to everyone individually.

Overall love the program, and the responsiveness on these forums!

Re: Access to statistics/info

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 4:38 pm
by FTMSupport
1. Speckle charts are only available on the scorecards, page 3. It would be too much information to try and show multiple games on a single speckle chart with pitchers pitching 100 pitches per game. If you are interested in aggregate pitching information across multiple games, the TruMedia add on does some interesting heat maps of various pitching data.

3. You said you have the Team Website for your team - this data is all viewable from there as well for the parents and other kids to view without you having to send emails.