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Manually added team and discover game (answered, pending user feedback)

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 6:40 am
by Sarj0803
My league uses iscore and si sports but the teams we play do not. I manually created a team in the team manager. When I used discover game to import tonight's game, I can't find a way to add the team that I manually added. Do I need to use add game instead discover game to get both teams in the game manager? If I do need to use add game instead, will the parents be able to see the added game as I'm scoring it or will I need to use the emall game link function? Also will I need to delete the discovered game?

Re: Manually added team and discover game

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 8:41 am
by OhioTex
to help answer this, It helps to understand a bit about how iscore works under the covers.
  • Internally, iScore creates a unique identifier (ID) for each player/team/ game you create on your handheld device. (you can not see nor edit this internal identifier). iScore uses that unique internal identifier to exchange player/game/team data with "data sharing" and with third party "discover" (e.g.., SI play, league athletics, USSSA, Nations, Max Preps, Sport Engine, tourney machine, score monster, prospect wire, Ball Charts, my stats online, usa premier, Jevin, MLB, MiLB, NCAA, PONY etc)
So, If you are in a league that has 'discover team" or "discover game"' options ..
  • you would want to try and use "discover team" or "discover game" as much as possible vs setting up manually. this is so the underlying ID (player/game/team) remain aligned in their database and on your device. Enabling you to exchange information back and forth, using discovery and export.

    When you "Discover game", it will check to see if teams IDs already exists on your device, if so it will add the game to teams, if not, it will add the appropriate teams and rosters and then the game to your device.

    After scoring a game, when you option > export your partner sites will be updated as appropriate with player/team/game info (if they were originally discovered (vs manually created) and can match the underlying game/team/player IDs).

    If you happen to end up with TWO versions of your team (or two duplicate versions of a player for that matter), say one you manually created and one discovered, you can merge the two using "team manager > Merge". In the merge process you want to be sure the "Discovered team" is on "the Left", as the right team is merged into the left team, so the surviving 'left team' retains the underlying discovered teams internal ID.
broadcasting a game depends on scorekeeper device having iscorecast enabled under options and valid internet connection.
  • ( I am not aware of a League providing game scorecast links for games you score with your device. Some leagues may score games for you and then they would provide the iscorecast link for their scoring. If i am wrong and a league is providing link, be curious to know which leagues. ).

    The normal practice is thus for scorekeeper to provide fans the web link (generated from their scoring app) using "email game link" or a "subscription team web site url" so fans can watch for free on a web browser..

    Alternatively, fans can find game 'on their own' if they are a premium subscriber using the Iscore Central Viewer app (blue icon).
Post back if you need more info

Re: Manually added team and discover game

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 9:48 am
by Sarj0803
Thanks for the explanation. The problem I have is concerning the team that my team is playing. My team shows up when I discover the game, but the other team doesn't. How do I get the other team into the discovered game?

Re: Manually added team and discover game (answered, pending user feedback)

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 10:40 am
by OhioTex
I may be able to help more if i have a specific example to work with

'discover' depends on how the 3rd party league is set up and maintained on their end (not iscore)... (how you set up on third party site, how it identifies you, if you need user name, passwords etc, what each team has to do , and the rights you have to see future games etc),

when set up correctly on the third party end..
  • When you discover a Game from iscore (Game Manager > Discover Game) you get game details and both teams to import (it is pretty obvious, it lists the game and both teams, you just verify and hit import)

    When you discover a Team from iscore (Team Manager > Discover Team) you map and import 1 Team and a Roster. (it just lists the single team roster, you verify and import
Each third party handles their prompt sequence a bit differently, but if when you discover a game and it only gives a team not a game, that is on how the 3rd party league is set up (not iscore), you will have to trouble shoot with them (i.e. they may require each team to do something on their end). I do not have access to all the thrid parties, so not sure your exact sequence. . but If it is set up correctly, like MLB and iscore device, discover games is straightforward for games scheduled in the Future, (but not in the past). you just enter your information and follow the prompts.

If discover games is not working with your league, you can always create game as normal and score.... Use your team and make one for them.
  • create your opponent team in Team Manager ... iScore >>Team Manager >> Create New Team >.<short name> <manager name> <team color> <roster> <league> >>SAVE
    crete game in game manager ... IScore >> Game Manager >> Add Game >> <select visitor team> <select home team> <schedule date and time> <set options> <edit game name> >> done
some leagues use the discovery well and some do not.

you may find this recent post helpful on how to best handle not having a line up in advance. viewtopic.php?f=3&t=11848