error or no question

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error or no question

Post by coach1 » Wed Mar 21, 2012 4:04 am

Runner on first leads off. Pitcher makes pick off attempt and runner breaks for second. First baseman throws to second. Runner is safe at second due to poor throw or mishandled catch. Is this an error on the whomever allowed the runner to advance or is the same as a throw bad throw from catcher where as i understand its only an error if the runner advances to third. I apologize if this has already been answered but could not find this scenario.
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Re: error or no question

Post by coach1 » Wed Mar 21, 2012 6:59 am

I think I found the answer to my question by reading other posts:

"The official scorer shall charge an error against any fielder whose wild throw permits a runner to reach a base safely, when in the scorer’s judgment a good throw would have put out the runner, unless such wild throw is made attempting to prevent a stolen base;"

My interpretation of this rule is that the filed that allowed the runner to safely advance will be charged with an error, whether it be the throw from the 1st baseman or the failure to receive a catchable ball by the 2nd baseman or short stop.
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Re: error or no question

Post by mprusak » Wed Mar 21, 2012 7:08 am

FWIW, I disagree with your interpretation :-), but I admit I dont know the answer.

When the runner breaks for second he is attempting a steal. I think the rule you cited would support a no error charge.

Looking forward to hearing from others more knowledgeable than I.
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Re: error or no question

Post by PetroGuy » Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:32 am

MLB Rules 10.07 (b) & (c) appear to cover this.
(b) When a runner is attempting to steal, and the catcher, after receiving the pitch,
makes a wild throw trying to prevent the stolen base, the official scorer shall credit
the runner with a stolen base. The official scorer shall not charge an error unless the
wild throw permits the stealing runner to advance one or more extra bases, or
permits another runner to advance, in which case the official scorer shall credit the
runner with the stolen base and charge one error to the catcher. Rule 10.07
(c) When a runner, attempting to steal, or after being picked off base, evades being put
out in a run-down play and advances to the next base without the aid of an error, the
official scorer shall credit the runner with a stolen base. If another runner also
advances on the play, the official scorer shall credit both runners with stolen bases.
If a runner advances while another runner, attempting to steal, evades being put out
in a run-down play and returns safely, without the aid of an error, to the base he
originally occupied, the official scorer shall credit a stolen base to the runner who
10.07(b) makes it clear that only the catcher gets a free pass on stolen base attempts for a poor throw and that is only after a pitch.

10.07(c) says the runner has to advance without the aid of an error.

I would score this advance as an error under MLB rules.
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Re: error or no question

Post by CSThunderCoach » Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:00 am

Fastpitch is a little different - but the spirit is the same. If the runner is attempting a steal - they will usually get it unless thrown out

14.14 Stolen Base
A stolen base is credited:
14.14.1 To a runner who advances to a base unaided by a safe hit, putout, error,
force, fielder’s choice, illegal pitch, wild pitch, base on balls, hit batter, passed
ball, interference or obstruction.
14.14.2 To a runner, if the runner starts for the next base on the release, and the
pitch results in what would otherwise be scored a passed ball or wild pitch. If
the runner advances another base because of the wild pitch or passed ball, only
the initial base is stolen.
14.14.3 To a runner, regardless of the accuracy of the throw and whether an accurate
throw would have resulted in a sure putout. No error is charged unless another
base is gained due to the wild throw.
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Re: error or no question

Post by OhioTex » Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:40 pm

error not stolen base
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