iScore Baseball for iPad

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iScore Baseball for iPad

Post by FTMSupport » Fri Apr 02, 2010 4:04 pm

iScore Baseball for iPad will be available when the iPad is released tomorrow (4/3). This redesigned version will be very familiar to users of the current iPhone version. We have taken advantage of the larger screen size to add more functionality and more information to the main scoring screen, but the basic scoring process is still the same, and the database and backend are still identical. We will create more detailed information on the iPad specific version as time permits (we were extremely busy getting the iPad version ready for release), but here are some of the questions we are sure people will have:

Why is it a new product instead of an update to the existing iPhone version?

While some applications (like games) lend themselves well to the "universal application" paradigm (single app working on all devices), the differences between the interfaces in the iPad version versus the iPhone version really require a separate application. A game generally just creates new, enlarged graphics. iScore Baseball required a complete redesign of the UI (though you will definitely recognize the building blocks), and maintaining a single universal application was not feasible.

Do I have to purchase it again if I already have the iPhone version?

You can still use the existing iPhone version on the iPad if you would like. It will work just as it does now on the iPad in compatibility mode. To take advantage of the new iPad version, you would have to purchase the new application. Apple does not provide a way to set two different prices for applications, so we do not have a way to sell an "upgrade" version. We have set the price at the same $9.99 as our current version for now (unlike many developers who are charging a premium for the iPad versions of their applications), and part of the reasoning behind this is to give existing customers a chance to buy at this price. We may go to a higher price on the iPad version in the future.

Can I transfer my data from the iPhone version to the iPad version?

Yes. You can use the "Data Sharing" feature to transfer data between devices.

Will you still be supporting the iPhone version?

Of course. Our intent going forward is that functionality updates (new features) will likely be released on both devices at the same time. There may be times that one device or the other will get an update because of a device-specific issue, but we will be updating both versions regularly.

Where can I get the iPad version?

It is available in the App Store just like the iPhone version. You can use the following link:

If I have the MLB Roster add on or a Team Website, do I need to purchase them again?

No. Send us an email to with the Customer ID of each of your devices, and we can transfer the subscriptions to your new device.
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Re: iScore Baseball for iPad

Post by photojon » Mon Apr 05, 2010 7:50 pm

I have a follow up question to "syncronizing data" between the iPhone and the iPad.

So far, all of the games I have scored are on my iphone. In the future, I would like to be able to score a game on either my iPhone or iPad so I would like to be able to share the historical game, team and league data. You note that I need to do an export on both devices and send you an email with the id's. Do I need to export from the iPad even if I have no data on it yet? Once I send you the id's is there a way to keep the databases in sync or do I need to email you everytime I switch from one device to the other?


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Re: iScore Baseball for iPad

Post by FTMSupport » Mon Apr 05, 2010 8:16 pm

Yes, you need to export even from the iPad with no data to establish an account on our server so we can transfer the data.

With the current versions of the applications, you would need to contact us for the transfers each time --- it always overwrite the entire database when transferring.

Our next release (which we are trying really hard to get up any day now) will allow you to sync individual games / rosters between devices without needing to contact us.
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Re: iScore Baseball for iPad

Post by Slinger » Sat Apr 10, 2010 8:36 pm

Ok, how do I send you the IDs from my iPad and iPhone so you can tie them together? Another question, is there a way to merge two players?
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Re: iScore Baseball for iPad

Post by FTMSupport » Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:20 pm

First go to the Options menu on both devices and do an Export. Then copy the Customer ID from the bottom left of the options menu from each device, and email the IDs to

The release we are about to submit to Apple allows you to merge players. We should be submitting either today or tomorrow.
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Re: iScore Baseball for iPad

Post by Todd Kinchen » Sun Apr 11, 2010 6:31 am

I cannot even see where to put up a post when I log in ..... This is the least of my comments ... That is frustrating being in a forum and having thousands ofvwords on a page but having no idea how to post something wow
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Re: iScore Baseball for iPad

Post by Todd Kinchen » Sun Apr 11, 2010 6:39 am

I paid the money for the iPad app cause I love the iPhone version .... I had great hopes for iPad version but there is a lot of wasted space or all the space is not well used ..... I could spend two hours talking about how the iPad v can be better but I don't like hunting and pecking these iPad keys .....I would love to chat with someone with the application of course .... But we have to better organize this huge iPad screen .......make the info we really want bolder and pronounced and the info we don't want till after the game less pronounced and subtle or even on a button link ( for instance pitch by pitch ) does not need to be on score page and that little neat bases pic does not need to be in pitch by pich summary.... I need to send someone some pics of my ideas ..... Thanks for listening score .... Keep up the good work ( hope you view this as constructive criticism.....
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Re: iScore Baseball for iPad

Post by FTMSupport » Sun Apr 11, 2010 7:30 am

We certainly welcome feedback and are always looking to improve the product. If you have more you would like to share, please send email directly to

While we agree there is still some space on the iPad screen that can be used for more functionality, and we will continually try and improve the functionality we have provided, we have to respectfully disagree on the two specific points you mention. The pitch by pitch screen being on the main scoring screen is a fantastic way to get immediate feedback on the plays you have just entered. We have had feedback that it is the favorite new feature from some folks. It allows you to both confirm complex play entry and also quickly review the last few plays (during the course of scoring youth games, questions come up all the time about what happened over the previous few plays). Also, having the bases picture in the pitch by pitch is highly useful as it both shows the situation of the pitch (which bases and runners on them), and is also a great visual queue when reviewing the pitches (for example, looking quickly for what happened when the bases were loaded).

Thank you.
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Re: iScore Baseball for iPad

Post by Rix » Thu Apr 22, 2010 7:19 pm

I agree with FTM on the screen. I do find it useful to see the play-by-play to make sure I score it right and also to be able to quickly view if a coach questions a call (instead of having to exit and go to the play-by-play screen.

I think the way it is organized is very functional. In fact, there is some space above the pitch location box that could probably help to show more information, such as a batter's strike zone so that you can tell the coach what the batter's weaknesses are.
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