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iScore Basketball v2.70 submitted to Apple

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 9:56 pm
by FTMSupport
We have submitted v2.70 of iScore Basketball to Apple. It includes the following updates:

* Track Time Outs

* Added Notes ability to scoring

* Improved Twittercast (auto-tweet options, manual tweet with editing)

* Detailed "Player Cards" with optional photos. Email Player Cards with complete stat history and optional Headshot of player. View the Player Cards in Scoring Screen.

* Now input scoring for any player - even those listed as being on the bench (saves having to quickly enter a missed substitution)

* Now hide the clock on iPhone version as well

* View complete game stats right from scoring screen

* Load time for existing games improved ~10x

* When scoring in coach mode, optionally show Photo of each player for quicker identification

* Added Deflection tracking

* Added Putback entry to "Coach Mode"

* Tracking of Team stats -- ability to assign Team Rebounds

* Lots of UI Enhancements and Bug Fixes (Putback Fix, iOS 5 fixes, etc)