Game Roster not Copying to Team Roster

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Game Roster not Copying to Team Roster

Post by or74guy » Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:14 pm

Sometimes we have to set up a team, then set up the game without any players on the roster. We then add the players to the game roster. That leaves the team roster blank and the team stats showing only team totals. When I go back to the game roster and click options, Copy Roster the players are not showing up on the team roster and the stats are still just a team total, no individual stats. What am I doing incorrectly?
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Re: Game Roster not Copying to Team Roster

Post by FTMSupport » Fri Jan 31, 2014 3:16 pm

Go to Game Manager, select the game, select Play, select Lineup, select the right team (home or visitor), then tap Options, Copy Lineup -> Roster. This will copy the players in that team's current lineup back to the underlying team's roster.

If you are doing this and saying it is not working, please do an Options -> Export and email us at with the customer ID of your device (found on Options screen) and the game / team you are trying to do this for, and we will take a look to see what is going on.
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