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Add Foul button to shot options

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 10:50 am
by Thorbach
In Game Mode, I know there is a button for shot+foul in shot options screen...but would be very nice to have a button labeled FOUL for recording foul alone (for when the shot was missed and therefore was no actual shot).

When i see a player taking a shot, I immediately hit the spot on floor where they are shooting from...but when ref then calls a foul, I need to cancel out and then go hit Foul, and then subequently have to go and hit Free Throw button....and clock continues to run (another issue I have been lobbying for).

I would love to see the FOUL button right on the shot screen, and then it notes who made foul, and then automatically puts you into Free Throw screen. That would be very helpful!


Re: Add Foul button to shot options

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 12:40 pm
by FTMSupport
So you are suggesting adding a Foul No Shot button on the list of options when Shot is selected so you don't have to press Cancel, then Foul (thus saving a tap)?

Re: Add Foul button to shot options

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 5:46 pm
by Thorbach
Not a 'Foul No Shot' button, as that would indicate there was a non-shooting foul. I am talking about a shooting foul, but the shot doesnt go in. You have a button for a shooting foul with a basket, and that then automatically lets you assign the foul and the automatically brings you to the free throw screen. Why can't you add a button that similarly let's you assign a foul and bring you to free throw screen automatically. Main difference is you don't log a shot attempt.

I have gotten to be pretty quick in Game Mode, so I am usually touching the court where a player is taking a shot attempt before ref even blows the whistle. Then I have to back out and go through Foul and Free Throw options separately. Seems this should flow easier. Isn't that is what Game Mode is supposed to do...walk you through each step as it happens.

Fix that...along with the clock running issue...and I am a pig in ..... :shock:

Re: Add Foul button to shot options

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:07 pm
by FTMSupport
OK, we will add this request to our enhancement list.