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How to edit 'TEAM' stats line values?

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 7:25 am
by Thorbach
How can I edit/remove the 'TEAM' stats (notably rebounds) from the team stats?
I go into the team stats, tap on the rebound value, for TEAM (at bottom of list), and change value to 0 (I know iScore automatically assumes rebounds in certain situations, but unless I note the specific rebound, I would rather keep it out of my stats line), but it doesn't stick. It reverts immediately back to the original value. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Also, if you could quickly explain why/when it scores such a general rebound for a team, I'd be interested to know that.


Re: How to edit 'TEAM' stats line values?

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 8:39 am
by FTMSupport
By definition, it is required that every missed shot has a rebound. This means if the ball goes out of bounds after the shot, a rebound still has to be awarded so it is assigned to the TEAM.