League Stats

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League Stats

Post by vigoymca » Tue Feb 05, 2019 9:56 pm

I just started using this for my adult basketball league. How can I view league stats between all players and teams at one time? I know you can see it for each specific team or player, but is there a way to see it for the entire league?
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Re: League Stats

Post by OhioTex » Tue Feb 05, 2019 10:05 pm

the iscore family of scorekeeping products is designed for scoring a teams games . it is a stand alone tool that can score games (with or without internet access). . ( you can score as many games, as you want, and have as many teams as you want , but it is singular in that you score 1 game at a time .. is not a "league solution that aggregates" scoring of multiple games occurring at same physical time..

you can see stats for players, games and teams.. but not league wide stats, s. .. you can get a teams won loss record, but not a league standings. For league stats, standings and rankings, all teams, and all game have would have be scored and centralized in a Central server.. not icore.

For a Tournament or League solution, look for Sports Engine or SiPlay and tourney machine.

(P.S. in iScore there are "leagues" but think of it as a logical grouping,) .
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